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Primitive Mining Goggles

These goggles are the most basic goggles, with a max range of 8 blocks along with only being able to hold 2 crystals per eye. It also has a higher damage rate that the more advanced goggles.

Mining Goggles

These goggles are the common goggles, with a max range of 12 blocks along with only being able to hold 3 crystals per eye.

Digital Mining Goggles

These goggles are designed to the most advance type of goggles allowing users to input what they are looking for without needing to use the wavelength system. These goggles are still W.I.P. They dont have a recipe and are generally unfinished.


"Natural" Crystals

These crystal cannot be crafted are considered to be the middle-road crystal. Having a smaller wavelength range that the Constructed Crystals. These can be found in dungeon chests, with a random range, that is determine when you right-click them.

Constructed Crystals

These are the most basic type of crystal with a large range of wavelength when crafted. They are simple a way to make crystals so you at least have something until you can create or find the ones better tuned to the ores you are looking for.

Attuned Crystals

These crystals are the most specific type of crystal allowing you to tune to a specific ore. These are the most difficult type of crystal to create. Along with crafting them you will need an Tuning Fork and mine a specific amount of the given ore to bind them to that ore.


Tuning Fork

A Tuning fork is used by the Attuned Crystals to allow for them to bind to a specific ore. You simple place a Attunement Crystal within and mine a given amount of the ore to attune it. The first block you mine will start the binding process.

Crystal Bag

This is a bag designed to hold crystals. It is able to hold up-to 21 different crystals inside a single item. It does nothing specific other than holding crystals, and only crystals.