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Chat Module

The Chat module is a module designed to manage and format chat via the use of channels.

Name: Chat

Requirements: Core


Name Permission Node Description Default Aliases Recommended Security
Channel Change your current selected channel ch, chan Low
Channel channel.{NAME} Allows access to a specific channel ch, chan Low
Channel Allows Creating of a new channel. ch, chan Medium
Channel Allows Deleting a channel. ch, chan Medium
Channel Allows modifying an existing channel. ch, chan Medium
Mute command.mute Mute or unmute a specific used, timed or untimed Medium
Broadcast command.broadcast Send a message to everyone on the given server bc Medium
Ignore command.ignore Adds a user to the ignored list preventing messages from the given user i Low
Nick command.nick.self Change your own nickname nickname Low
Nick command.nick.other Change someone else's nickname nickname Medium
PauseChat command.pausechat Prevents all users in a given channel from typing in chat pc Medium
Dm Send a message to another user msg, m pm Low
Reply command.reply Reply to a message send to you from another user without mentioning them r Low
SocialSpy command.socialspy Enables the viewing of DM's from others on the network ss Medium
Bulletin command.bulletin Send a message to everyone that joins the server within a timeframe offlineannouncement Medium
Motd command.motd Display a preset message when the command is run Low
Motd command.motd.set Set the motd Medium

Non-Command Permission

Description Permission Node
Can a user use color codes in chat using the & sign, See Formatting Codes for a full list chat.color
Can a user use replacement to print info related to themselves, see #formatting for a full list or possible replacements chat.replacment
Allows the user to bypass ignore status from other players chat.ignore.bypass
Allows the user to bypass / talk in chat when it has been muted / paused chat.pause.bypass


File: Modules/Chat.json

Name Description
defaultChannel Channel to set new users to upon login.
defaultChatFormat Formatting for how to display chat, See #formatting for a full list of possible formatting codes
nickFormat Formatting for how to display a nickname, See #formatting for a full list of possible formatting codes
messageFormat Controls how the private messages via /dm /msg and /r are displayed, values within the {} are seperated via , and swaped depending on the side the message is being displayed from
motd The server's motd for displaying upon joining or running /motd
defaultMuteDuration Default amount of time a user will be muted for, when none is specified
displayUUIDOnHover Default amount of time a user will be muted for, when none is specified


Config Replacements

Find Replace Example
%USERNAME% The user's username, ignores nicknames Wurmatron
%NAME% The user's name as represented by the server, nickname, username. *Wurm
%DIMENSION% The Dimension the user is currently in 0
%RANK_PREFIX% The users rank prefix with the highest display priority [Default]
%RANK_SUFFIX% The users rank suffix with the highest display priority &3
%CHANNEL_PREFIX% The channels prefix Local
%SERVER_ID% The id of the server the message was created on ATMR

Chat Replacements

Find Replace Example
{BALANCE} The users current balance, in the servers default currency 500.25 Coinz
{EXP} The amount of exp. the user currently has 520 exp
{LEVEL} The amount of exp. level's the user currently has lvl 52.
{PLAY_TIME} The users playtime (total) 6d 5h 20m
{TIME} The users playtime (local server only) 3d 9h 5m
{REWARDS} The amount of reward points the user has. 52 points
{POINTS} The amount of reward points the user has. 42 points
{LANGUAGE} The users current set language key en_us
{LANG} The users current set language key en_us