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Rank Module

The General module is a module designed to add the basic commands used most commonly.

Name: General

Requirements: Core


Name Permission Node Description Default Aliases Recommended Security
Admin - - - -
Break command.break, command.break.multi Break a block you are looking at Medium
Burn command.burn Sets a given person on fire Fire, Ignite Low
ChunkLoading command.chunkloading Displays a list of chunkloading chunks Medium
Convert command.convert Gives the items string to be used in configs Low
Day Set's the time to day, aka 1000 Low
DeleteChunk command.deletechunk Delete's a chunk, command uses x,z pos not chunk cords, its auto converted. Low
DeletePlayerFile command.deleteplayerfile Delete's the given player's player file, for minecraft DPF High
Dust command.dust Set's the time to dust, aka 12000 Low
Freeze command.freeze Freezes a given player in place. Medium
Invsee command.invsee, command.invsee.other, command.invseee.modify Lets you look into another players inventory. ISee Medium
Kill command.kill Kills another player Medium
Night command.night Set's the time to night, aka 12000 Medium
Noon command.noon Set's the time to noon, aka 6000 Medium
SendToSpawn command.sendtospawn Sends the given username or UUID to spawn. (Works if they are offline) Medium
Smite command.smite Spawns lightning above the given player. Low
Sudo command.sudo Forces the given player to run a command. (Like you typed it in chat) High
Time command.time Set's the world time, based on the player's current world Low
Vanish command.vanish Makes you invisible to most players. Medium
Gamemode - - - -
Adventure command.adventure Chance yours or another player gamemode to adventure GMA Medium
Creative command.creative Chance yours or another player gamemode to creative GMC High
Gamemode command.gamemode Chance yours or another player gamemode GM High
Spectator command.spectator Chance yours or another player gamemode to spectator GMSP Medium
Survival command.survival Chance yours or another player gamemode to survival GMS Low
Item - - - -
GiveItem command.giveitem Get an item based on its string Item High
Kit command.kit, command.kit.create, command.kit.delete, command.kit.list, command.kit.{name} Create, delete or get a kit Medium
Rename command.rename Rename a given item, supports using & for colors NickItem, Name Low
Misc - - - -
AFK command.afk Mark or unmark as AFK, note this is automatic aswell. AwayFromKeyboard Low
RandomMessages command.randommessages, command.randommessages.delete, command.randommessages.add Displays a random message each time its used, from the list Low
Rules command.rules, command.rules.delete, command.rules.add Displays the rules, add or delete them aswell Medium
Say command.say Send a message to everyone on the same server Medium
Seen command.seen Displays the last time a player was "seen", works across servers Medium
Perk - - - -
EnderChest command.enderchest, command.enderchest.other Allows opening a ender chest for you or a given player EChest Medium
Feed command.feed, command.feed.other Gives the given player food ImTooLazyToEatSoYouDoIt Low
Fly, Allows the given player to fly ImABird, Bird Medium
God command.god, command.god.other Allows the given player to be immune to most damage Invincible Medium
Hat command.hat Puts the held item in that helmet / hat slot, even if its not possible Low
Heal command.heal, command.heal.other Sets the player to max health Low
Repair Sets the held item to 0 damage, note this may mess up some items. Low
Skull command.skull Gives a skull for the given user Head Low
Speed command.speed Set the walking and flying speed, high values will cause issues Movement Medium
Vault command.vault Allows a given player to access there vault Storage Medium
Player - - - -
Experience command.experience Give Exp to the given player Exp Low
List command.list List given players on the server aswell as linked ones Players, L Low
Playtime command.playtime Display's a user's total playtime and server play time Time, OnlineTime Low
Suicide command.suicide Kills youself Seppuku Low
TrashCan command.trashcan Opens a inventory that delete's item on closing Trash, Can, DestroyItem Low
Whois command.whois Gives infomation about a given username or nickname Who Low
Teleport - - - -
Back command.back Teleports you to the last known location B Low
DeleteWarp command.deletewarp Delete a warp DelWarp, DWarp Medium
DeleteHome command.delhome Delete a home Medium
Home command.home, command.home.other Teleport to a set home point H, Low
Jump command.jump Teleport to where you are looking Low
RTP command.rtp Teleport to a random location, based on the configured settings Low
SetHome command.sethome, command.sethome.other Set the location for later teleportation SHome, SH Low
SetSpawn command.setspawn Set the global spawn or only one for a specific rank High
SetWarp command.setwarp Create a new warp location Medium
Spawn command.spawn Teleport to spawn Medium
Top Teleport to the highest Y point and or 256 blocks Low
TPAAccept command.tpaccept Used to accept an TP Request Low
TPA command.tpa Request to teleport to someone else Low
TPADeny command.tpdeny Deny a tpa request Low
TPAHere command.tpahere Request someone to teleport to you. Low
TP Teleport to another player Low
TPHere command.tphere Teleport another player to your location (forcefully) Medium
TpOffline command.tpoffline Teleport to the location of an offline player OfflineTP, Offtp, Otp Medium
TpPos command.tppos Teleport to a given position or dimension tpp Low
Warp command.warp, command.warp.{name} Teleport to a given warp tpp Low
Utils - - - -
Ping Used to check if the server command are working Alive Low
Tag command.tag.add, command.tag.remove, command.tag.list Adds or remove's tags from a given player Medium
UUID command.uuid Lookup a users uuid, based on what you are able to provide, username, nick ID, LookupUUID Low
Weather - - - -
Rain command.rain Causes rain in the selected world Low
Storm command.storm Causes a storm in the selected world Low
Sun command.sun Causes the selected world to be sunny Low
Weather Changes the weather of the selected world Low

Non-Command Permission

Description Permission Node
Allows teleporting to where you died general.back.death


Description Permission Node
Increases the max amount of homes home.{amount}
Increases the max amount of vaults vault.{amount}


File: Modules/General.json

Name Description
defaultHomeName Name of the home to use as the default home when one is not specified
minHomes The minimum amount of homes a user may have
maxHomes The maximum amount of homes a user may have
spawn Used to store the location of the spawns
rtpRadius Radius from spawn for RTP to attempt to teleport
rtpBiomeBlacklist List of blacklisted biomes to not teleport a user to. IE avoid Oceans, Rivers
rtpDimensionWhitelist List of dimensions RTP will work in.
defaultVaultName Name of the default player vault
afkCheckTimer How often to check for AFK players
afkTimer How long before a player triggers being AFK.
playTimeSync How often playtime is saved.
statusSync How often server status is updated.
spawnAtHome Do players spawn at there default home location?