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Security Module

The Rank module is a module designed to protect the server from malicious actors, such as unauthorized players getting admin perks or joining with forbidden client mods.

Name: Security

Requirements: Core


Name Permission Node Description Default Aliases Recommended Security
Lockdown command.lockdown Prevents players from interacting with things on the server Medium
Mods command.mods Displays a list of mods for the given player Medium

Non-Command Permission

Description Permission Node
Used as a way to notify players when a alt / same IP account joins the server security.alt.notify


File: Modules/Security.json

Name Description
modBlacklist List of mods the prevent a user from user on there client's (Note: This is not 100% full proof, bypass is possible)
trustedList Direct URL for a list of player account's to be on the trusted list, highest rank (above all ranks, perms / non-trusted users)
lockdownEnabled Used by the /lockdown command to determine if the server is in lockdown or not
autoOP Automatically op all trusted user's upon joining the server if they are not already
checkAlt Check player account connections to see if they have the same IP