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Shaped Recipe

Format: ShapedRecipe({recipe output}, {recipe format array} {recipe items})

  • Where {recipe output} is replaced with an item or item variable.
  • Where {recipe format array} is replaced with an array in the following format.

[{Item 1}{Item 2}{Item 3}, {Item 4}{Item 5}{Item 6}, {Item 7}{Item 8}{Item 9}] - Where any item is a variable to be replaced with an item, see below example

shaped recipe

Example: ShapedRecipe("<diamond>", ["SAS", "A A", "SAS"], "A <apple> S <stone>")

shaped recipe example

Shapeless Recipe

Format: ShapelessRecipe("{recipe output}", "{recipe items}")

  • Where {recipe output} is replaced with an item or item variable.
  • Where {recipe items} is replaced with an array or list of items

Example: ShapelessRecipe("<golden_apple@1>", "<diamond> <apple>")

shapeless recipe example


Format FurnaceRecipe("{output}", "{input}") Format FurnaceRecipe("{output}", "{input}", {exp})

  • Where {output} is replaced with an item or item variable
  • Where {input} is replaced with an item or item variable
  • Where Optional {exp} is replaced with a whole number for the amount of exp to give upon recipe completion

Example: FurnaceRecipe("<diamond>", "<apple>")

furnace example

Brewing Stand

Format: BrewingRecipe("{output}", "{input}", "{catalyst}")

  • Where {output} is replaced with an item or item variable
  • Where {input} is replaced by the item or item variable
  • Where {catalyst} is replaced by the item or item variable

Example: BrewingRecipe("<golden_apple@1>", "<potion^{Potion:\"minecraft:water\"}>", "<diamond_sword>")

brewing example

Ore Dictionary Entry

Format: OreDictionary("{item}, "{entry}")

  • Where {item} is replaced with an item or item variable
  • Where {entry} is replaced with the ore dictionary name

Example: OreDictionary("<dirt>", "blockDirt")

This registers the block <dirt> with an ore dictionary entry of blockDirt